APM-Electronic Components GmbH
Different (German: Anders)
We know that your requirements are unique and there are no "one-size-fits-all" products. That's why, in addition to standardized solutions, we also offer you individual product designs as well as second source alternatives.
Personal (German: Persönlich)
We take the time to get to know your concerns in detail and adapt to your wishes through personal communication. Our joint project processing takes place on site, in a telephone call or in online meetings.
Together (German: Miteinander)
We work hand in hand with you as well as our manufacturers as a team. This is how we ensure that we provide you with high quality and the best service. Together, we achieve your long-term success.
30 Years
Since 1993, we have been successfully working with customers from almost all industries.
100% performance
We maintain long-standing customer relationships and give everything for your satisfaction.
Our goal
We always strive for long-term customer relationships and see it as our job to move you forward, to increase your productivity and to assist you in the best possible way. Because only your success is our success.
"Our basic concept with the pursuit of the highest quality and our service concept are the benchmark for the success of our customers." Company founder APM
Therefore, our motto is:
(German: Anders-Persönlich-Miteinander)